On November 16, 2022, humanity resumed its challenge on the Moon with the Artemis mission launch. Here's what that means for the future of lunar and space exploration—and even colonization.
It's official! After weeks of delays from component problems and the ravages of Hurricane Ian (The Washington Post), Artemis 1 finally launched from the NASA Kennedy Space Center in Florida. It's a big step for space exploration at NASA, which is doing something completely novel with this mission: working together with commercial space enterprises as a government agency. SpaceX will be producing a crewed lunar lander (Space.com) for the program, as confirmed by NASA early last year.

It’s one of the latest signs of a commercializing space industry. Earlier in the year, NASA announced that the International Space Station will be decommissioned in 2031 after decades of service. Replacing the ISS's function as a space research hub will be "commercially owned and operated space stations" (NASA) developed by the likes of SpaceX, Blue Origin, and Virgin Galactic.
So who will we be seeing on the Moon again? What about residencies, where lunar scientists can work in habitats designed for long-term research? Although both are topics of high interest, the first question is easier to answer.
"The breakthroughs of the Artemis era will define our generation and the generations to follow." - NASA
The Artemis program was named after the Greek goddess Artemis, Apollo's twin sister and ruler of the Moon. As the name implies, the program will be focusing on diversity and will send the first woman to the Moon, in contrast to the all-male lineup of Apollo astronauts.
As for the program's future, things are a little more uncertain. This year's launch is the first of three planned missions; SpaceX will land Artemis 3 on the lunar surface, along with two crew members, in 2025 or 2026 if all goes to plan. The ultimate goal is to establish a continued human presence on the Moon, which could have many positive effects for science.
The ISS was used so continuously as a research vessel because of its uniqueness; nowhere else could scientists conduct experiments in space. Aboard the ISS, they were able to explore how factors such as radiation and lack of gravity affected plant and animal growth (as well as themselves!).
Similarly, the Moon could be utilized for its differences with Earth. Its gravity is 1/6 compared to that of its host planet, which means scientists can conduct long-term analyses of how low gravity affects the human body. The constant bombardment of space radiation due to the lack of a magnetic field may also be a plus. For example, scientists may look into various strains of crops that can resist the harsh conditions of space.
These conditions, difficult to simulate on Earth, will help humanity prepare for an expansion to the stars as global urbanization and standards of living heighten. Exoplanet searches are already focusing on worlds that could be terraformed for human living. Lunar research will ensure that we're ready to take on inevitable challenges that other worlds will bring with colonization.
However, scientific research isn't the only benefit human presence on the Moon brings. According to Northrop Grumman, "[t]here are 17 rare metals that are scant to find on earth but may be found on the moon," such as "scandium, yttrium and others". These might sound obscure, but they could be used for common household and scientific equipment such as car engines, glass, and superconductors.
NASA has also touted lunar exploration as beneficial for the economy. Indeed, the Artemis mission will be creating many new jobs in a rapidly expanding space industry, increasing the demand for a skilled workforce (NASA). According to Space, the program will cost an estimated $93 billion by 2025. However, it's clear that Artemis's role as a stepping stone for humanity's evolution into a spacefaring civilization will be more than enough to pay for the costs.
What do you think about the Artemis mission? Let us know in the comments, and check out the best lunar sci-fi books and movies listed below!
NASA. (n.d.). Artemis. NASA. Retrieved November 27, 2022, from https://www.nasa.gov/specials/artemis/
Bittel, J. (2022, November 21). NASA's Artemis I launch has faced several delays. that's actually common. The Washington Post. Retrieved November 27, 2022, from https://www.washingtonpost.com/kidspost/2022/11/15/nasa-launches-often-delayed/
Bock, M. (2022, February 11). FAQ: The International Space Station 2022 transition plan. NASA. Retrieved November 28, 2022, from https://www.nasa.gov/feature/faq-the-international-space-station-2022-transition-plan
Kuchinskas, S., Bonderud, D., & McSweeney, K. (2022, October 28). The intersection of technology, Innovation & Creativity. Now. Powered by Northrop Grumman. Retrieved November 29, 2022, from https://now.northropgrumman.com/why-on-earth-should-we-be-mining-the-moon/#:~:text=There%20are%2017%20rare%20metals,radar%20systems%2C%20superconductors%20and%20more.
Wall, M. (2021, November 15). NASA will spend $93 billion on Artemis Moon Program by 2025, Report estimates. Space.com. Retrieved November 29, 2022, from https://www.space.com/nasa-artemis-moon-program-93-billion-2025
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For All Mankind on Apple TV
First Man
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